
Workout with a Personal Trainer Live. Anywhere. Anytime.

Choose Convenience.

A pioneer in virtual personal training, The V Trainer is an On-Demand Personal Training company offering customized one-on-one health programs.  Our V-Live Sessions utilize face to face video technology to have your personal trainer live when you need it.

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Paying for a customized program based off your body. Being able to workout from your home or office when it’s convenient for you.

This all-in-one lifestyle program is designed for anyone looking to achieve their fitness goals with convenience. 

Traveling? No problem! This program is for those that have found it challenging to get in a routine fitness program due to a heavy travel schedule. Workout right in the hotel room and stay on track with your goals. Get up, get changed and start working out!

Nutrition is EVERYTHING in weight loss, so we hired the best!  Our In-House Registered Dietitian creates our Science Based Reset Meal Plans resulting in safe, effective weight loss to get you to your goals.