Live Virtual Personal Training FAQ

virtual personal training, personal trainer, virtual, online workout, workouts, weight loss


What is The V Trainer Live Sessions and how does this work?

We are a Virtual Personal Training program.  We are bringing the gym to your living room (or wherever you are)...trainer and all!  Our trainers call you on Skype where they are able to see you- as well as you seeing them in live time.  This allows your personal trainer to see your form, keep you accountable on reps as well as check progress with any past injuries. 

What is the V-Assess and V-Fit?

You tell us a little about you (previous injuries, medical history so we can know a little more).  We conduct a Mobility Assessment (V-Assess)- to see how your major joints (shoulders, hips and knees) move.  Then, the fitness assessment (V-Fit).  This gives us a baseline of where your current fitness level is (no judgement and the same test is re-tested after 8 sessions to show your progress and to allow us to tweak any programming needed.  We use face to face technology for all of your live sessions, and we are pretty big fans of Skype (it's free and wonderful!).  

Once we have your profile and assessment completed, the magic happens!  We fully customize the personal training program- from your Live Sessions down to your workouts on your own.  


There are other workouts besides the Live Sessions?

That's the recipe for our client's success!  Depending on your personal goals we will customize the days you're without your trainer to get you the results you're looking for!  You will have 24/7 access to The V Trainer app that stores your additional workouts. You have someone with you every step of the way!


Is Skype free? 

Yes!  There are paid options but please make sure to select the FREE download option!

You can download Skype by going here!


 What if I've never exercised?

You're in good hands!  Safety is our priority and we take extra care to make sure to customize all of your workouts to YOUR body.  The days you aren’t with your trainer you’ll refer to our App for your customized workouts with videos of movements.  We will be with you every step of the way! 


What comes with the program?

We take your goals to heart!  You will purchase your amount of Live Sessions and choose days and times that work for you.  You’ll set up your account with our App and will receive workouts for the upcoming week on the days you are on your own. 

What equipment do I need?

Nothing!  However, if you do have equipment your personal trainer will incorporate anything that you have at your disposal into each workout.  This includes if you’re traveling and have access to a gym- your trainer will customize each workout around your goals and needs. 

If you have a gym membership, we will customize your program to utilize the gym amenities (for instance, a swimming pool).  The V Trainer uses ordinary items from the household to use as resistance as well as bodyweight if equipment isn’t available. 

How will the trainer be able to tell if I’m doing it right?

Live Sessions are just that... in real time!  Your trainer is able to guide you to set up your computer/tablet/phone in a way that they can see all your movements.  You will be able to see your trainer as they show you the movement from your computer/tablet/phone.  For the days you are without your trainer we include movement videos so you are able to check for proper form.  

Will I need a special WiFi connection?

You will need high speed internet.  Depending on what device you use, you can hard-wire your internet cable to your computer/laptop.  For a tablet or phone you'll need high speed WiFi.  Please note any data that be used if you are out of range of a secured WiFi network.  

How long are the workouts?

The Live Sessions are between 30 and 45 minutes.  The workouts on your own will vary between 20 and 60 minutes (and up to 1.5 hours).


Do you offer group sessions?

Please send us a message to see how our group sessions work.